UK Trademark

WP-Ensure is a registered trademark in both the European Union and the United Kingdom.

A few years ago we applied for and were granted a European Union trade mark (EUTM) for WP-Ensure and now we are also hold the trademark in the UK.

Originally we wanted a trademark to protect the name after someone purchased a similar domain to ours and copied our content (presumably for mischievous purposes). At the time there wasn’t much we could do because the name wasn’t protected.

Now of course with all WP-Engine and Matt Mullenweg drama, trademarks have become a central theme of their lawsuits. Presumably we are not big or rich enough to attract the ire of Mullenweg, but you never know, and it’s always good to protect yourself.

See our EU trademark here. and our UK trademark here.

Lisa Karvonen

Author Info: Lisa Karvonen

Lissu is a full-stack web developer who started working in WordPress in 2003. Since then she has coded plugins, themes, and applications for companies and organizations in both WordPress and Multisite and other PHP/MySQL applications.

She started developing the WP-Ensure platform in 2017 as a response to customer site attacks and has been steadily improving and growing the company and platform since then.

She’s originally from Scotland but lives in Finland with her husband, son, two dogs, two cats, and a reef tank.

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The national flag of the United States.


The Union Jack.


The Finnish national flag.