Updated Website

Streamlined, sleek and above all… more private. Here’s our revamped website!

We’ve updated our website. The old theme was custom-coded Bootstrap and although it stood up to the test of time, it was time to streamline for speed and any privacy concerns with pulling in third-party code. Here are a few nerdy things under the hood.

Removing Google Analytics

Months ago we set up Google Analytics consent mode so that it was GDPR compatible and after approving cookies, Analytics would update to allow tracking. Now with even more deceptive practices from Google, we have decided to get rid of Google Analytics entirely and switched to Matomo which is GDPR and CCPA-compliant.

Removing Google Fonts

We quietly removed Google Fonts dependencies at the beginning of this year after a German court rules that Google Fonts is not in compliance with GDPR rules. We went old-school font-face and embedded Montserrat locally. One less call to an outside service, and less personal data sent into the world. The new theme continues this.

Removing Google Charts

We used Google Charts to display the attack counts on the front page. With the site re-coding, we are now using Chart.js which is hosted locally so once again we are removing the reliance on third-party scripts and outside calls.

Removing Cookie Banner

With the removal of Google Analytics, we can also remove the cookie banner. Only website admins are currently affected by login cookies. Our new reseller area is in the works though and when that is published, the cookie banner will be back. At least we can enjoy a few months of freedom!

Removing Bootstrap

We used to enjoy coding in Bootstrap, but the world has moved on. Now instead of a grid, we are using pure flexbox to create the layout. This allows us to simplify the code for mobile-first coding and also reduces site load making it faster for users.

Simplified Structure

Themes can get bloated especially when you start adding different page templates and extra functionality. We have cleaned up a lot of assets and PHP template files to make the site as K.I.S.S.-compatible as possible.

Content Changes

We are adding a lot more content and trying to make the most of inbound marketing to help customers find what they are looking for faster. This will be ongoing work and the new theme takes that into consideration also with adding more space for content and categories.

We hope you enjoy the new faster and more secure updated website. There’s still a lot to do, but we’d love to hear your feedback on the changes.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash.

Lisa Karvonen

Author Info: Lisa Karvonen

Lissu is a full-stack web developer who started working in WordPress in 2003. Since then she has coded plugins, themes, and applications for companies and organizations in both WordPress and Multisite and other PHP/MySQL applications.

She started developing the WP-Ensure platform in 2017 as a response to customer site attacks and has been steadily improving and growing the company and platform since then.

She’s originally from Scotland but lives in Finland with her husband, son, two dogs, two cats, and a reef tank.

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