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Complete Website Audit

A comprehensive website audit with actionable recommendations.

There’s a lot to do when creating and maintaining a website. Simple technical issues can hold a site back but can be easily fixed once identified.

Our Complete Audit thoroughly examines your site to identify and address issues with security, SEO, content, speed, usability, mobile, and more, with actionable recommendations.

We Audit Everything

A Complete Audit includes:

Security Audit

We find security issues that put your site at risk.

  • Vulnerability scanning.
  • Brute-force log-in testing.
  • Testing for data leakage.
  • Testing for server configuration issues.
  • Testing for DNS setup issues.
  • Testing for application-level issues.
  • Email deliverability checking DKIM, SPF, and DMARC.
  • User roles and cleanup.

Technical SEO

SEO is tricky, many sites are missing the basics.

  • Testing sitemap.xml and content.
  • Testing open graph sharing throughout the site.
  • Testing meta titles, and descriptions.
  • Testing multilingual hreflang setup for issues.
  • Webmaster Tools analysis

Performance Audit

Speed and performance benchmarking.

  • Speed testing from multiple locations.
  • Testing results breakdown finding issues with javascript code, images, and other issues slowing down the site.
  • Testing server and nameserver response times.
  • Finding bottlenecks in code and third-party integrations.

Privacy Check

We check your site for consent and tracking issues.

  • Cookie consent banner testing.
  • Analytics Consent Mode testing.
  • Third-party integration testing.
  • Data storage and retention issues.
  • Commenting and form spam prevention methods and effectiveness.

Content Quality

We check your site for content issues that affect SEO.

  • Checking overall impression of text for errors.
  • Content amount checking.
  • Checking the freshness of content.
  • AI-generated vs. Human-generated.

Usability & QA

Testing your site for basic usability and quality issues.

  • Navigation and menu issues.
  • Mobile device version testing.
  • Unclear buttons, links, and other interactive elements.
  • Form testing and data collection.

Over 20 years of experience in website design and development.

Recent Finds

Issue: Bad server configuration leaking hundreds of CV files from the WP uploads folder.
Category: Security Issue
Impact: Critical

Issue: Missing sitemap.xml
Category: SEO Issue
Impact: High

Issue: Yoast author sitemap found with real login usernames of site admins.
Category: Security Issue
Impact: Medium

Issue: Missing Open Graph tags.
Category: Marketing Issue
Impact: Medium

Issue: No cookie banner. Using Google Analytics.
Category: Privacy Issue
Impact: Medium

Issue: Login completely unprotected from brute force attacks.
Category: Security Issue
Impact: High

Here are some of the issues we’ve found recently while auditing websites.

Case Studies

Here are some redacted case studies and links to audits we have completed. They provide a clear idea of the information you can expect in your audit report.

Serious Data Leak

This audit’s main focus was on security, although we found usability and SEO issues as well. Our audit revealed a large security hole caused by a plugin and server misconfiguration.

Customer CV files and data had been publicly visible for at least 4 years. We provided instructions and later tested again to help resolve the issue.

WooCommerce SEO Audit

This audit focused on SEO on a WooCommerce application.

Many of the issues found were related to speed which is common in WooCommerce sites with ready-made themes.

The audit also identified issues with image sizes and usability.

Small Website Audit

This was an audit on a small site that didn’t have much to audit and was already focused on security services.

We found some issues to be improved and included more suggestions than a Starter Audit usually contains.

SEO Joomla

This audit was an SEO audit on Joomla which concentrated on technical SEO and speed.

Issues found included a missing sitemap.xml, meta, and OG tags. Google Analytics was implemented without consent mode and there was no cookie consent banner installed.

“The audit was really useful. Every company should order an audit from you.”

A customer with a serious data leak.